My name is Kimberly Begg. I'm a Catholic wife and mother of five children who is trying to cooperate with God's grace to guide my family to Heaven. I do a little writing—for work, for fun, and, most of all, to try to live in obedience to God's plan for my life.
A few years ago, I learned that Saint Maximilian Kolbe was the favorite saint of one of my heroes, Blessed Jerzy Popieluszko, the beloved Catholic priest who gave his life standing up for truth in communist Poland during the Cold War. Jerzy was a child when he first heard St. Maximilian Kolbe's story and it forever strengthened him.
Inspired by these courageous saints, I felt called to write a book sharing their connection and others. My motivation was not just to tell an interesting story. I wanted to help Catholic parents fulfill their vocation as parents: to help them create a joyful and thoroughly Catholic culture in their homes, to help them pass on the stories that are the birthright of all Catholic children, and to help them raise faithful Catholics who will spend eternity with their Creator in Heaven.
I am incredibly grateful to TAN Books for taking me on as a first-time author. My book—Unbreakable: Saints Who Inspired Saints to Moral Courage—was published in 2023. It is available and on Amazon and TAN Books. Signed books and my free, 17-page companion study guide are available here.
Hi there.
Kimberly's Bio
Kimberly Begg is a Catholic wife and mother of five children who is trying to cooperate with God’s grace to guide her family to Heaven. An attorney with more than 20 years of experience strengthening Catholic and conservative causes, she helped found Young America’s Foundation’s Standing Up for Faith and Freedom seminar—a program for students at Catholic schools—while serving as the Foundation’s vice president and general counsel. She serves on the board of overseers of the Dominican House of Studies, the board of directors of Young America’s Foundation, the board of directors of the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women, and the DC board of regents of Thomas Aquinas College. She is director of programs and general counsel of the Ortner Family Foundation, cohost of The Catholic Education Show, and editor of Catholic School Playbook. She is the author of Unbreakable: Saints Who Inspired Saints to Moral Courage (TAN Books).
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